Faro (Portugal), 17th-20th September, 2013.
Organized by Dr. Sonia Martínez Páramo (WG4), and her group in CCMAR (Portugal), this workshop recorded the highest number of participants (118) in the history of this family of workshops; they came from 24 different countries, who presented a total of 107 communications distributed in 4 sessions: Gametogenesis and gamete quality, Gamete storage and preservation, Gamete “omics” and emerging tools and Fertilization and progeny. A special edition compiling the communications presented in this workshop will be published in the Journal of Applied Ichthyology, as usual. AQUAGAMETE COST Action supported the organization of this workshop and covered the travelling and subsistence expenses of the attendant members of the Management Committee, 24 students and 2 invited speakers.
An award for best oral student presentation was given to Amélie Juanchich from INRA (Rennes, France), for her communication entitled “Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs and their potential targets during fish oogenesis.
Another award was given for the best poster student presentation to Silvia González-Rojo from the University of León (León, Spain), for her study “Sensitivity of developmental key genes to DNA damaging agents in rainbow trout spermatozoa”.
Speakers and organizers in the 4th IWBFG
For this workshop, AQUAGAMETE COST Action will fund travels, accommodation and meals for the AQUAGAMETE Management Committee members and 4th IWBFG invited speakers.
Moreover, we have budget for funding other participants, including per person: 4 nights of hotel accommodation, 4 days meals, a mean of 400€ for travel costs (we will distribute the total amount depending on the origin of participants).
We will award one grant per each of the 20 countries participating in AQUAGAMETE. The representative member of the Management Committee of each country may be found by following this link: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fa/Actions/FA1205?management.
Candidates should contact Management Committee Representatives of their respective countries for applications. Representatives of each country should communicate AQUAGAMETE (before the Workshop) after the choice of the granted person (having in mind the following criteria).
1. PhD Students or Early Stage Researchers (8 years from Thesis).
2. Students presenting oral communications.
3. Students presenting posters.
4. Senior researchers from research groups linked to AQUAGAMETE.
5. Others.
The rest of grants will be distributed by AQUAGAMETE depending on the number of research groups/country registered in the AQUAGAMETE web and the number of communications/country.
The deadlines for grants are as follows:
– 1st June deadline Grant application
– 15th June notification of grant results
More info: aquagamete@gmail.com