
”Application of cryopreservation to aquaculture and the conservation of salmonid species”

Tolmin, Slovenia

Posted on February 5th, 2013

The Angling Club of Tolmin in collaboration with the Department of Aquaculture of Szent István University offers the possibility of hosting scientists on a Short-term Scientific Mission (STSM) with the topic of ”Application of cryopreservation to aquaculture and the conservation of salmonid species” in Tolmin, Slovenia. Applicants will participate in a sampling trip on the river Soča and its tributaries, collection of samples from fish caught in the wild, cryopreservation of samples as well as experiments on the improvement of existing cryopreservation techniques. They will be introduced to techniques used during collection of fish on the spawning sites, sperm collection from wild males, sperm storage, quality control and cryopreservation. Sperm will be collected for cryopreservation from two species: in April from the Adriatic genotype of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and in November from a genetically pure population of the marble trout (Salmo marmoratus). The mission is short (5 days) due to the limitations of collections sites. Applicants can either travel to Budapest, Hungary from where they will travel by car to complete the STSM with Dr. Ákos Horváth or directly to Tolmin or Ljubljana, Slovenia from where transportation can be arranged.

• The possible dates of the STSM: April and November, each year. For more precise dates, please contact the persons indicated below.

• Duration of the STSM: 1 week (practically 5 days).

• Applicants interested in the call are requested to contact Mr. Dušan Jesenšek of the Angling Club of Tolmin ( and simultaneously send all communication to Dr. Ákos Horváth of the Department of Aquaculture of Szent István University (