
Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology Group
Department of Biology
University of Eastern Finland

Jukka Kekäläinen
Phone: +358 50 442 1193

University of Eastern Finland
Department of Biology
P.O. Box 111
FI-80101 Joensuu

Group description
The Research group of Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology ( is led by prof. Raine Kortet. The main research areas of the group include aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology. We work on several aquatic organisms, including several fish species and crayfish, and also some terrestrial animals.
One of the key aims of our study is to clarify the mechanisms of post-copulatory sexual selection (e.g. sperm competition). We are also studying the effect of hybridization and parasitism on sperm quality. All these studies are largely dependent on CASA.

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Animal and plant genetics and breeding
Myllytie 1 (Alimentum)
FI-31600 Jokioinen

Dr. Matti Janhunen
Phone: +358 29 532 6169

Team: Biometrical Genetics
The Biometrical Genetics research team consists of 2 professors, 15 Research Scientists and 1 Biometrician who develop selection strategies for breeding programs and estimation models for breeding value prediction. The methods and computer programs produced by the research team are utilized in both national and international animal breeding schemes. Applications are also produced in co-operation with national and international breeding organizations. The group has an active role in practical operation of selection programs for various species, including fishes.

Main lines of research
Finnish national breeding programs for two food fish species, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus):

– The breeding nucleus is held at the Tervo Fish Farm. Ten employees (the head of the unit: Heikki Koskinen).
– The development of the programs is based on continuous research work, which gives an opportunity to test and implement new methods, such as mating strategies or trait measuring techniques, directly into practice.
– Research of design on fish genetics for various production, quality and health traits. Genetic studies on egg production (caviar) and viability are also involved in these programs.

Tervo Fish Farm
Huuhtajantie 160
FI-72210 Tervo

Heikki Koskinen
Phone: +358 029 532 7854
Fax +358 020 575 1859

The Tervo aquaculture station is the nucleus station for the national selective breeding program for salmonids. Large family-based selective breeding program for rainbow trout and recently established selective program for whitefish are the major tasks of the station. The main aquaculture products are eyed-stage eggs and fingerlings of rainbow trout and whitefish, also brown trout and grayling are in production. Rainbow trout and whitefish pedigrees are an important base for research and development projects. The fish health classification of the farm is P1.



Relevant publications by Finnish groups:
1. Figenschou, L., Folstad, I., Rudolfsen, G., Hanssen, S.A. Kortet, R., Skau, P.A., Killie, J.E. Oskam, I. & Strand, H. 2013. The relative effect of parasites and social status on sperm traits in Arctic charr. Behavioral Ecology 24: 497-504.
2. Huuskonen, H., Kekäläinen, J., Panda B., Shikano, T. & Kortet, R. 2011. Embryonic survival and larval predator-avoidance ability in mutually ornamented whitefish.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103: 593–601.
3. Janhunen, M., Rudolfsen, G., Kekäläinen, J., Figenschou, L., Peuhkuri, N. & Kortet, R. 2009: Spawning coloration and sperm quality in a large lake population of Arctic charr (Salmonidae: Salvelinus alpinus L.). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 794-802.
4. Janhunen M., Piironen J. & Peuhkuri N. 2010. Parental effects on embryonic viability and growth in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus at two incubation temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 2558–2570.
5. Janhunen, M., Kekäläinen, J., Kortet, R., Hyvärinen, P. & Piironen, J. 2011. No evidence for an indirect benefit from female mate preference in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, but female ornamentation decreases offspring viability. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103: 602-611.
6. Janhunen M., Peuhkuri N., Primmer C., Kolari I. & Piironen J. 2011. Does breeding ornamentation signal genetic quality in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus? Evolutionary Biology 38: 68–78.
7. Kekäläinen, J., Huuskonen, H., Tuomaala, M. & Kortet, R. 2010. Both male and female sexual ornaments reflect offspring performance in a fish. Evolution 64: 3149–3157.
8. Kekäläinen, J., Rudolfsen, G., Janhunen, M., Figenschou, L., Peuhkuri, N., Tamper, N. & Kortet, R. 2010: Genetic and potential non-genetic benefits increase offspring fitness of polyandrous females in non-resource based mating system. BMC Evolutionalry Biology 10: 20.
8. Kekalainen, J., Figenschou, L., Janhunen, M., Kortet, R., Peuhkuri, N. & Rudolfsen, G. 2013. Hatchery selection may depress the number of motile sperm but intensify selection for their swimming velocity in the Arctic charr. Aquaculture International 21: 405-411.
9. Kortet, R., Vainikka, A., Rantala, M.J. & Taskinen, J. 2004. Sperm quality, secondary sexual characters and parasitism in roach (Rutilus rutilus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 81: 111-117.
10. Kortet, R., Vainikka, A., Rantala, M.J., Myntti, J. & Taskinen, J. 2004. In vitro embryo survival and early viability of larvae in relation to male sexual ornaments and parasite resistance in roach, Rutilus rutilus L. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 1337-1344.
11. Saikkonen, A., Kekäläinen, J. & Piironen, J. 2011. Rapid growth of Atlantic salmon juveniles in captivity may indicate poor performance in nature. Biological Conservation 144: 2320–2327.